AAUW Fellowship Profiles

Each year AAUW provides over $4.3M in graduate fellowships and grants. In 2012-13 about 30 recipients are studying in NY State. Empire Branch members, curious about the  projects the fellowships are supporting, have asked branch president Maria Ellis to interview a fellow or two at each of our branch meetings.

All members are welcome to attend the teleconference.  If you belong to a local branch and want a speaker, one of these fellows may be just perfect. You can read their interview by clicking on their link.

Amina Tawasil, Anthropology, Columbia University,  PhD dissertation: “Houzeh (Seminarian) Women in Iran: Constituting and Reconstituting Paths.”  Read the interview here.

Eman Abu Sabbah, Nursing, PhD dissertation on Violence Against Women in Jordan. Read the interview here.

Danielle Thomsen

Mwaka Nachilongo

Allison Goldberg: Columbia School of Public Health, How Mothers Decide Whether or Not to Vaccinate

Meet Christine Torres Delozier, AAUW Fellow: Becoming an Acupuncturist and Herbalist

JACKIE JEKESCO NEMBAWARE: Empowering Women in Zimbababwe

Gabriela T. Richard, AAUW Fellow: digital games, gaming culture, technology and media

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