Empire State NYC Branch Leadership and AAUW NYC Fellows Meetings

Empire State NYC Branch Leadership and AAUW NYC Fellows Meeting
at Goldman Sachs in NYC, Tuesday, December 10, 2019
AAUW Partnership with Goldman Sachs & EYO STEM program


AAUW Empire State NYC Leadership: 
Estelle Kone, Emmelina De Feo, Maria Ellis, Jessica Sims; C.S. Rani

Empire State NYC Branch Leadership and AAUW NYC Fellows Meeting at Google in NYC, Tuesday, November 12, 2019
AAUW Partnership with Google & EYO STEM Program

AAUW NYC Fellows:  Valerie Streit, Jessica Sims; Estelle Kone,
Danielle Guindo, Read Alliance; Whitney Oriana; Emmelina De Feo,
Maria Ellis, Empire State NYC Branch President, EYO Co-Director,
Lorrin Johnson, EYO Co-Director; Dr. Rani, Empire State NYC Branch Treasurer