Learn about AAUW Fellows Studying in NYS

Each year AAUW provides $4.3M grants and fellowships. One of our new virtual branch programs shares the  incredible stories of the women and the topics these AAUW Fellows are pursuing. Each month we’ll  interview two of them who work in NYS.

The first two fellows shared their work with members via teleconference on September 18. The first summary has been posted. The second will follow.

AAUW Fellow Amina Tawasil

AAUW Fellow Amina Tawasil

Amina Tawasill, a PhD candidate at Columbia University, shared her work studying women pursuing seminary work in Iran. For 15 months, Amina lived in Tehran, Iran and spent time studying women from two kinds of seminaries.

Amina says the AAUW fellowship has made it possible for her to work on her dissertation full time. She has just finished her first draft and expects to complete her work and begin pursuing post-doctoral work this year.

Read her interview here.

You can keep track of the fellows we  interviews on this page.

Members are welcome to join the interviews and we will post future recordings so you can listen if the schedule doesn’t fit your personal schedule. After all, that’s the benefit of a virtual branch!


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