Empire State Virtual NY Branch AAUW Won Many Awards!


Congrats to all the ESVB members and friends who made possible winning so many awards at the AAUW NYS Convention on April 17-19, 2015 at the Byblos Niagara Resort in Grand Island, NY. 


  1. 21st Century Silver Program Award for the Mentoring at the College of Mount Saint Vincent
  2. Award of Distinction for our quarterly Empire Virtual Times newsletter
  3. Public Policy Award for consistent efforts to educate members about Public Policy issues through our newsletter
  4. Public Policy Award for STEM Impact
  5. Public Policy Award for Voter Registration & Education Award
  6. Award of Distinction for Social Media
  7. Spare change 4 change Initiative
  8. Award of Distinction for Visibility
  9. Membership Award for recruiting and maintaining members
  10. Award of Distinction for our Website
  11. Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) Star Branch
  12. Seventh (7th) Place Per Capita Contributions. Specials thanks to our generous members including Dot McLane, Dr. Chigurupati Rani, Joan Monk!


Awards Picture  Awards Picture[2] (2)AAUW Posters



AAUW Fellows

Lamia Bazir
Lamia Bazir

Lamia Bazir is currently working for the cabinet of the head of the government of Morocco, on the development of the second compact of the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Lamia was a fellow of the American Association of University Women, and a representative at the United Nations. Her experience includes political analysis for the Arab League, consultancy with Transparency International, and field research in Niger.

Prior to this, she earned a master’s in international affairs from Columbia University and a master’s in international development from Sciences Po Paris. She was also student valedictorian at Al Akhawayn University where she completed her undergraduate studies.

Most recently, Lamia won the United Nations’ Award for Volunteering attributed by the UN and MBC group for her social venture “Empowering Women in the Atlas”. She is also known for her inspirational speeches delivered at Al Akhawayn university, Stanford University, and the UN Youth Assembly.


Samantha Majic

Samantha Majic’s research lies in gender and American politics, with specific interests in sex work, civic engagement, institutionalism, and the nonprofit sector. She is the author of Sex Work Politics: From Protest to Service Provision(University of Pennsylvania Press, December 2013), and the co-editor (with Carisa Showden) of Negotiating Sex Work: Unintended Consequences of Policy and Activism (University of Minnesota Press, Spring 2014). Her research has also appeared/is forthcoming in Perspectives on Politics, Polity, New Political Science, The Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, and Gender and Society.A Fellow of the American Association of University Women, Dr. Majic is also a member of the Perspectives on Politics editorial board.


Empire State Virtual Branch NY AAUW Emerging Leader

 Congratulations to Jan Lisa Huttner!

Jan Huttner

After 35 years in Chicago, Jan Lisa Huttner and her husband Rich moved to Brooklyn in late 2012. And as soon as she had unpacked most of her boxes, Jan reached out to us and became a member of ESVB. An active member of AAUW Chicago Branch since 1983, Jan served as Membership VP, Program VP, and Historian. She also served on the AAUW-Illinois Board as Director of Leadership Development, Director of College/University Relations, and Director of International Relations.

During her tenure as Director of College/University Relations, Jan organized the WITASWAN Project (Women in the Audience Supporting Women Artists Now), which was originally created an opportunity for joint programming between Illinois branches and their local campuses. The project was such a success that AAUW-Illinois soon found itself collaborating with WomenArts—the Fund for Women Artists—to go global. Since 2008, International SWAN Day has been celebrated at over 1,200 separate events in 20 countries (plus the USA). The next International SWAN Day is March 28, 2015, so plans for an ESVB celebration will be announced soon.

“My Dad was ‘a joiner,’ so I was raised to be ‘a joiner’ too,” says Jan. “But as an adult, especially in my work with AAUW, I have organized my own life around one single principle: Invisible Women. Too many women—not only in the past but also in the present—are ‘invisible,’ that is, not given their due either by their own cultures or by the world community at large. I want to give voice to these women not only for their sake, but on behalf of the women of the future. Women need to believe in themselves more than they do now, and one way to help them do that is to give voice to all the wonderful women who have paved the way.”
To learn more about WITASWAN and International SWAN Day, read Jan’s Book: Penny’s Picks: Fifty Movies by Women Filmmakers available from Amazon on Kindle and POD.

Caption: Jan gives us her introduction to the WITASWAN Project on October 18, 2014 at the College of Mount Saint Vincent. (Photo Credit: Laura Fieber-Minogue)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women’s Symposium / District IV Conference

Cady StantonPlanning committee for the ECSWC Symposium/ District IV Conference
Members of others local women’s organizations collaborating to plan the event  are pictured along with AGJ AAUW members -seated Sandra Maceyka and Helen Martin
Standing third from left – Bev Alves, Jennifer Garren, Jahnn Gibson and
second from right Laurie Kozakiewicz

SAVE THE DATE!  March 21
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women’s Symposium / District IV Conference
Saturday, March 21 from 8:30am-3:30pm
Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery County BOCES Center, Rt 67 Johnstown,NY
Deadline to register- March 6
Registration fee – $35 and $15 for students

The Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown AAUW branch invites all  to  attend the 5th Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women’s Symposium at the Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery County BOCES Center, Rt 67 Johnstown (next to the Fulton Montgomery Community College)  on Saturday, March 21 from 8:30am-3:30pm.  The event will also serve as the AAUW NYS District IV Conference.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born in Johnstown, NY in 1815. A year of events have been planned by the ECSWomen’s Consortium member organizations in celebration of the women’s suffrage leader’s  birth 200 years ago. The ECSWomen’s Symposium is the main event of the year.

We hope to have many AAUW members present to increase our visibility. (AAUW members will be given AAUW badges to wear at the event)  The conference is open to the public. The registration fee is $35 and $15 for students and includes a light breakfast and lunch. Registration forms with  3 workshops choices and  checks payable to ECSWC should be mailed by  March 6. Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown is the host branch and they are collaborating with other women’s organizations  who are also members of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women’s Consortium to present the Symposium. A registration form with more details is attached.
Here is a preview of the days offerings:
Session A Workshop Choices
1 Women on the Page (Greta Nettleton, Heidi Sprouse, Ruth Holland Scott)
2 Midwifery: the Second Oldest Profession (Julie Testi)
3 From Corsets to Spanx™ (“Victorian Lady” Sue McLane)

Luncheon Program: A Conversation with Coline Jenkins,
the Great-Great Granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Conducted by Stanton biographer Penny Coleman
Session B Workshop Choices
1 Johnstown’s Radical Daughter (ECStanton interpreter Melinda Grube)
2 RX for Better Health – Get Outdoors (Kelly Stang)
3 You Won’t Feel a Thing (Acupunture-Jennifer Voohees)
Session C Workshop Choices
1 A Glorious Woman – Getting to Know Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Penny Coleman)
2 Color: Then and Now ( makeup of the past and present-Sherry Wieszchowski)
3 For the Dancer Within You (Learn a new step- Carol Mattioni)

2015 Great Decisions

Great Decision Topics



1. Russia and the Near Abroad 4th Thurs, Jan. 29 Julie Kleszczewski
2. Privacy in the Digital Age 2nd Thurs, Feb.12 Dr. Elaine Fenton
3. Sectarianism in the Middle East 4th Thurs, Feb. 26 TBA
4. India Changes Course 2nd Thurs, March 12 Dr. C.S. Rani
5. The U.S. and Africa: The rise and fall of 4th Thurs, March 26 Nnenna Agba
6. Syria’s Refugee Crisis 2nd Thurs, April 9 Jayne Herrick
7. Human Trafficking: A serious challenge 4th Thurs, April 23 Maria Ellis
8. Brazil’s Metamorphosis 2nd Thurs, May 14 TBA
Charles Room, The Harvard Club, 27 W 44th St., 5:30—7:30 p.m.
For more information, email Julie K:  juliek@msn.com

AAUW Candidates for Election to the 2015–17

AAUW National Election

The slate of candidates for election to the AAUW Board of Directors is now available. For details about each candidate, click on the following link: https://www.aauw.org/resource/candidates-for-election-to-the-aauw-board-of-directors/

AAUW President (vote for 1)                      Patricia Fae Ho
AAUW Vice President (vote for 1)             Alicia Hetman

AAUW Director (vote for 10 candidates of your choice)
Susan Barley; Maria Ellis; Malinda Gaul; Sally Anne Goodson; Eileen S. Hartmann; Ellie Hill
Traci Jensen; Melissa Johnsen; Dot McLane; Eileen Shelley Menton; Rebecca Norlander;
Judith Pfeil; Glenda D. Price; Martha Joh Reeder and Pam Thiel.

Congratulations and best wishes to the following members of the Empire State Virtual Branch who are candidates forelection to the 2015-2017 AAUW Board of Directors:

Maria Ellis
Maria L. Ellis (New York)

I am a candidate for the 2015-2017 AAUW Board of Directors. I currently serve as AAUW NYS Membership VP and President and Founder of the Empire State Virtual Branch. Gender Equality, Diversity in Membership and Improved Communications and Transparency are very important to the growth of AAUW. Learn more about my work at www.facebook.com/EmpireStateVirtualNY.
Gender Equality: We can help achieve Gender Equality through Education. You and I can make a difference in many young women’s lives by offering scholarships and professional development experiences like AAUW’s conferences.
Diversity in Membership: I will work with your branch to reach out to our community colleges and local universities. This will be integral to our efforts to develop and recruit new members and ensure AAUW’s future leadership.
Improved Communications and Transparency is vital to achieving AAUW’s mission. Together we can empower women and girls through public policy advocacy, education, research and philanthropy.

Eileen Hartmann
Eileen S. Hartmann (New York)

It was the promise of an education and a bicycle that brought me to the United States as a child; it is education and service that keep me in motion today. I grew up in Indiana and earned a graduate degree at Nazareth College of Rochester, New York. While I taught English in Ohio and in the Rochester area, I also stayed connected to cultural immersion, working for an exchange program as a sales representative. I recently used those skills to recruit a College/ University AAUW partner abroad. As an employee of Nazareth, I worked in the Education Department to place students in classrooms prior to student teaching, making outreach to the community and constant use of effective communication.
Volunteering my skills and leadership in AAUW New York State as president and in California has provided me with many opportunities for involvement in program planning, project implementation, philanthropy, membership building, voter engagement, and in supporting the value of education to improve the lives of women, girls, and families. I have served as a detail- oriented and dependable representative with the organization through 40 years of membership.

Dot McLane
Dot McLane, Pennsylvania/New York

I joined AAUW because of the mission, I am committed to advancing equity for women and girls with particular interest in ending the gender wage gap, getting more women into leadership roles both in corporations and government, and promoting STEM careers to women and girls. My experience spans all levels of AAUW leadership – branch president, state president, national committee chair/member, and a previous role as an elected Director on the national board. Currently I am the chair of the national STEM Task Force, a member of the national Public Policy committee, and state president. Previous roles include chair of the national Branch Program Resource Committee, liaison to the National Girl’s Collaborative Project, and state Program Vice President.
My goal as Director-at-Large is to represent all AAUW members on the board to continue to build AAUW’s efforts in advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research

Special Screening of IT HAPPENED HERE

Empire State Virtual Branch
in collaboration with Neponsit Pictures and NY’s QUADCINEMA invite you to

A special screening
*** ONE DAY ONLY ***
Sunday, March 29 – 11:00am
At NYC’s QUADCINEMA 34 West 13th Street

It Happened Here

A Film by Lisa F. Jackson
Official website / trailer

In Celebration of International SWAN Day. Please join Kylie Angell & SWAN Day co-founder Jan Lisa Huttner for Post-Screening Q&A.

In their compelling new documentary, IT HAPPENED HERE, director Lisa F. Jackson and producer Marjorie Schwartz Nielsen explore the issue of sexual assault on America’s college campuses by chronicling the personal testimonies of five survivors.

These brave young women describe surviving sexual assault only to be met with apathy, disbelief, blame and retaliation from the authorities – college administrators, local police departments and the courts. While trying to report the crime, while trying to get justice, they were ignored, belittled and shamed, while their attackers remained on campus with impunity.

Instead of hiding away in shame, these young women chose to speak out and find a way to force institutional change.


QUADCINEMA 34 West 13th Street / BOX OFFICE (212) 255-2243 / www.quadcinema@aol.com

Download the flyer for full event and ticketing details »


EYO Conference 2015

EYO BalloonExplore Your Opportunities – The Sky’s the Limit!
12th Year Conference
March 21, 2015
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Riverdale (Bronx), New York

The meetings will be held in Founder’s Hall at CMSV in Mastronardi Room B
Friday, 9/5/14, 1:30–3:30 pm (Benedict’s Hall)
Saturday, 10/11/14, 9:30–11:30 am
Friday, 11/7/14, 1:30–3:30 pm
Saturday, 12/13/14, 9:30–11:30 am
Friday, 1/2/15, 1:30–3:30 pm
Saturday, 2/14/15, 9:30–11:30 am
Friday, 3/6/15, 1:30–3:30 pm (Mastronardi A)

Join us for the next planning meeting if you would like to get involved or know someone who you think could be part of our team. There are several interesting opportunities for
Volunteers:  Development (fund raising), PR (public relations)
Contact Co-Directors:  Lorrin Johnson, 212 854 2437; eddlorrin@yahoo.com
Wilma Gitchel, 914 332 1064; wilmagitchel@optonline.net
Marilee Scheuneman, 914 965 0197; Marilee@scheuneman.com

SAVE THIS DATE: March 21, 2015 for our twelfth Annual Explore Your OpportunitiesTM Conference at the College of Mount Saint Vincent to excite 7th grade girls about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

 You can help our conference for 7th grade girls, “Explore Your Opportunities–The Sky’s the Limit!” when you order from Amazon .com by going through our website:
www.aauw-eyoconference.org and clicking on the Amazon button at the bottom of the page.  Doesn’t cost you anything and we get a tiny percentage.  Thank you!

Empire State Virtual NY Branch AAUW’s Teleconference

Empire State Virtual NY Branch AAUW’s teleconference

Join us the Empire State Virtual NY Branch AAUW’s teleconference call on Tuesday, Aug. 26th 2014 from 7 pm – 8 pm. To participate in our teleconference, please dial 712-432-0926, access code: 223128#. RSVP and let us know that you will be joining us!

The theme is Title IX and our speaker will be Anne Hedgepeth, AAUW’s Government Relations Manager will speak about Title IX and Income Based College Loan Repayment.  Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. It covers women and men, girls and boys, and staff and students in any educational institution or program that receives federal funds. Local school districts, colleges and universities, for-profit schools, career and technical education agencies, libraries, and museums are all covered under Title IX. Under Title IX, schools are required to provide equal athletic opportunities to male and female and students.

Title IX

What is title IX?


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 was the first comprehensive federal law to prohibit sex discrimination in education. It covers women and men, girls and boys, and staff and students in any educational institution or program that receives federal funds. This includes local school districts, colleges and universities, for-profit schools, career and technical education agencies, libraries, and museums. Music classes or choirs, sex education classes, and sports involving bodily contact are exempt from Title IX, as are religious institutions if the law would violate their religious tenets. Admissions policies at private undergraduate institutions are also exempt.

Did you know that Title IX requires recipients of federal education funding to evaluate their current policies and practices, adopt and publish a policy against sex discrimination, and implement grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee discrimination complaints? All schools must publicly appoint at least one employee to coordinate Title IX compliance.

Title IX affects all areas of education, including:

  • recruitment, admissions and housing;
  • career and technical education;
  • pregnant, parenting, and/or married students;
  • science, technology, engineering, and math education;
  • sexual harassment and assault;
  • comparable facilities and access to course offerings;
  • financial assistance;
  • student health services and insurance benefits;
  • harassment based on gender identity; and
  • athletics.

For more information about Title IX, email connect@AAUW.org.