Tag Archives: United Nations General Assembly

AAUW Fellows

Lamia Bazir
Lamia Bazir

Lamia Bazir is currently working for the cabinet of the head of the government of Morocco, on the development of the second compact of the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Lamia was a fellow of the American Association of University Women, and a representative at the United Nations. Her experience includes political analysis for the Arab League, consultancy with Transparency International, and field research in Niger.

Prior to this, she earned a master’s in international affairs from Columbia University and a master’s in international development from Sciences Po Paris. She was also student valedictorian at Al Akhawayn University where she completed her undergraduate studies.

Most recently, Lamia won the United Nations’ Award for Volunteering attributed by the UN and MBC group for her social venture “Empowering Women in the Atlas”. She is also known for her inspirational speeches delivered at Al Akhawayn university, Stanford University, and the UN Youth Assembly.


Samantha Majic

Samantha Majic’s research lies in gender and American politics, with specific interests in sex work, civic engagement, institutionalism, and the nonprofit sector. She is the author of Sex Work Politics: From Protest to Service Provision(University of Pennsylvania Press, December 2013), and the co-editor (with Carisa Showden) of Negotiating Sex Work: Unintended Consequences of Policy and Activism (University of Minnesota Press, Spring 2014). Her research has also appeared/is forthcoming in Perspectives on Politics, Polity, New Political Science, The Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, and Gender and Society.A Fellow of the American Association of University Women, Dr. Majic is also a member of the Perspectives on Politics editorial board.


Join the First International Day of the Girl on October 11, 2012

The International Day of the Girl honors and celebrates girls around the world – elevating the status of girls in our local and global communities, and addressing key issues related to girls’ empowerment, leadership and success.

In December 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to establish October 11th the “International Day of the Girl Child.” This day, the General Assembly noted, is about “helping galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential” (UN GA Resolution 12.9.11).

Encourage the girls you know to join with girls around the world

This October 11th, 2012 marks the first commemoration of this historic day!  Ask girls’ programs — schools, Girl Scouts, STEM programs, clubs — to join hands with others.

There is an all day summit where girls from around the world can participate (and get a chance to win UGG boots) http://dayofthegirlsummit.com . There is also a toolkit from the Working Group on Girls that includes excellent resources, historical information and activities. You can download this toolkit at http://dayofthegirlsummit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/DayOfTheGirlToolkitJuly2012.pdf


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