Empire Fundraising for NCCWSL Scholarships

Are you familiar with NCCWSL, fondly known as Nic-Whistle?  NCCWSL is the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders. Well, Empire is raising funds to send college students to the NCCWSL conference next spring. We’ve had two major gifts of $500 each already. Thank you, Dr. Rani and Empire president Maria Ellis.

To learn more about NCCWSL you can visit the website.  http://www.nccwsl.org/

The Empire State Virtual Branch will donate two $500 awards to two college students to attend the AAUW NCCWSL at the University of Maryland, College Park from May 30, 2013 to June 1st,  2013.

Who will get the scholarships?

The two students who write the best 500 word essays stating why “Leadership for Today and Tomorrow is important” will win the $500 award each.

We will start the contest in February 15, 2013 and end of March 30, 2013.  The awards will be given at the NYS AAUW-NYS Convention in High Peaks Resort, Lake Placid on April 26-28, 2013.

Would you like to help with the contest?

Will you donate to the scholarship fund? You can use the donate button at the bottom of the About or Membership tabs.

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Dance in the Street; Dance in the Cloud

Here’s an Empire program idea and target date perfect for My Sisters’ Keeper 3.0

How cool would it be to have AAUW dancing in the street to end sexual and domestic violence? (Okay, would be nicer if were in Florida in February, but still!) Think about the college/student partnerships and visibility we could create around this.

Eve Ensler’s One Billion Rising Campaign

http://www.onebillionrising.org/NOW is excited to partner with V-Day and Eve Ensler on the One Billion Rising campaign as part of the anti-violence movement sweeping the globe. Join us as we take a stand, dance in the streets (or in our hearts) and demand an end to sexual and domestic violence on Valentine’s Day 2013. For more information, visit OneBillionRising.org.

How would you imagine Empire holding a virtual dance? Or can you get your friends and colleagues to dance in the street? Tell us your ideas in our new forums here.

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AAUW Fellow Eman Abu Sabbah Shares Her Field of Study

Eman Abu Sabbah

Eman Abu Sabbah joined us by phone at our last virtual meeting. As an experienced maternal nurse in Jordan, Eman has received an AAUW fellowship to work on a PhD in the USA. Her goal is to develop effective interventions for women experiencing domestic violence.

In Jordan, the police ignore most laws designed to protect women from violence so women believe they have have no way to protect themselves.

Read the summary of Eman’s goals and research here.

And join us at the Oct. 16 virtual branch meeting at 7:15 pm. when we will interview three more  AAUW NYS EF Fellows:

  • Mwaka Nachilongo, International Fellowship recipient
  • Aleksandra Rayska, International Fellowship recipient
  • Sara Shoener, American Fellowship

Voter Registration Deadline Oct. 12

AAUW branches across the country are registering voters, participating in candidate forums, sharing information about candidates’ positions on issues that impact women, girls, and families. Read more about GOTV (Getting out the vote) on the Public Policy page.

How do you think that a virtual branch like Empire can participate in GOTV?

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Learn about AAUW Fellows Studying in NYS

Each year AAUW provides $4.3M grants and fellowships. One of our new virtual branch programs shares the  incredible stories of the women and the topics these AAUW Fellows are pursuing. Each month we’ll  interview two of them who work in NYS.

The first two fellows shared their work with members via teleconference on September 18. The first summary has been posted. The second will follow.

AAUW Fellow Amina Tawasil

AAUW Fellow Amina Tawasil

Amina Tawasill, a PhD candidate at Columbia University, shared her work studying women pursuing seminary work in Iran. For 15 months, Amina lived in Tehran, Iran and spent time studying women from two kinds of seminaries.

Amina says the AAUW fellowship has made it possible for her to work on her dissertation full time. She has just finished her first draft and expects to complete her work and begin pursuing post-doctoral work this year.

Read her interview here.

You can keep track of the fellows we  interviews on this page.

Members are welcome to join the interviews and we will post future recordings so you can listen if the schedule doesn’t fit your personal schedule. After all, that’s the benefit of a virtual branch!


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Circle of 6 – the app that prevents violence before it happens

You and your friends can take the pledge and download the free Circle of 6 free app, “I won’t let violence happen in my circle.”

Circle of 6 is an app developed to stop violence against women before it starts. Originally designed for college students, it allows you to alert six of your friends to pick you up (your GPS location is also sent with this alarm call), or have them call you ASAP or talk with a national hotline. Haven’t we all been in situations where a well timed telephone interruption has saved the day? Spread the word, please.

This app is available for the iPhone and Droid.
Here is the TED video to the Circle of Six video (6 minutes) that tells the story and how to participate

Join the First International Day of the Girl on October 11, 2012

The International Day of the Girl honors and celebrates girls around the world – elevating the status of girls in our local and global communities, and addressing key issues related to girls’ empowerment, leadership and success.

In December 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to establish October 11th the “International Day of the Girl Child.” This day, the General Assembly noted, is about “helping galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential” (UN GA Resolution 12.9.11).

Encourage the girls you know to join with girls around the world

This October 11th, 2012 marks the first commemoration of this historic day!  Ask girls’ programs — schools, Girl Scouts, STEM programs, clubs — to join hands with others.

There is an all day summit where girls from around the world can participate (and get a chance to win UGG boots) http://dayofthegirlsummit.com . There is also a toolkit from the Working Group on Girls that includes excellent resources, historical information and activities. You can download this toolkit at http://dayofthegirlsummit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/DayOfTheGirlToolkitJuly2012.pdf


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AAUW NYS Contributes to Nothing But Nets

Receiving malaria nets

Read the story on Empire’s International page: Malaria causes 200 million illnesses per year and kills 600,000 people — mostly children under the age of five. The UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets is a global, grassroots campaign to save lives by preventing malaria. The campaign purchases long-lasting, insecticide-treated nets, distribute them, and educate families on their use.

Malaria is a big problem – and the disease has big consequences for families, communities, and countries. Fortunately, there are small things that can help make a huge impact in the fight against malaria.

Read about Nothing but Nets and Ted Turner who gave a billion dollars to make this possible.

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